Last Blog for Intro to Web Development (Web 101)

James Messina
3 min readDec 14, 2020

Austin Coding Academy

  1. I knew they were built through html and by using tags to create elements etc. However I didn’t realize how many elements were out there to use. Also, I didn’t know what classes and ID’s were until I started taking this course. I really only knew the foundational basics. Now I know that you need CSS to style any webpage and its easier to link a CSS file than doing inline stylings. I also learned a bit more of how the JS interacts with the DOM. Before this, I took a software engineering prep program that focused solely on learning back-end JS (for loops, conditionals, variables, etc.) with no relation to the DOM.
  2. Beyond coding, I feel that I definitely made some valuable networking connections in the course and learned more how to problem solve and communicate with others.
  3. I am excited to start the next part of this bootcamp. By June, I want to have my resume, cover letter, and portfolio up to date and already be applying to jobs. I hope to gain more networking connections and leads from the rest of my time in this bootcamp. For now I will most likely be applying to full stack web development positions because I want to be well rounded with front end and back end. Down the road I might just focus on back-end since I love the logic aspect of coding and actually getting a program to work the way I want it to. I assume I will be using Linked In and Indeed a lot to fill out job applications as well as attending web development seminars and different conferences.
  4. I feel like in 10 months I’ll be working on developing websites and pages for some employer out there. I hope to be using more JS in my coding as well. I can see myself building apps for iphones and droids as well.
  5. If you want to use an external CSS file then you link it in the head of the html document, otherwise you can do inline stylings on the html document (in the body). For JS, you always link the script into the head. This is the only way to do it.
  6. The building blocks of HTML5 are semantic text-markup, new form elements, a new javascript API, geolocation API, canvas and SVG, and audio and video.
  7. The :nth child-selector and :nth-of-type() selector are both pseudo-classes but the latter is more specific and detail oriented. You use “nth of type” when trying to select a specific child/grandchild of a parent element but “nth child” is used when you are not specific about the element type.
  8. CSS specificity is how browsers decide which CSS property values are most relevant to an element and, therefore, are applied. Specificity is based on matching rules and applies when the same element is targeted by multiple declaration blocks.. When a bunch of declarations have equal specificity, the last declaration in CSS is used and applied to the element. The 3 selector types are type selectors, class selectors, and id selectors. The specificity increases down the list with id being most specific.
  9. Most of the resources I’ve been using are W3, MDN, code pen, hack overflow, github, tech crunch, css tricks, and medium.

