Blog Post 201

James Messina
2 min readJan 24, 2021

Austin Coding Academy

  1. One thing I am learning in class today is how to properly set up if, else, and else if statements. I am excited to learn more about conditionals and the benefit they have on JavaScript coding.
  2. == in JavaScript is used for comparing two variables and ignores the datatype of the variable. An example would be comparing a string and a number. === is also used for comparing two variables but the operator also checks the datatype in the comparison. This will only return ‘true’ if the datatypes and values are the same for each variable.
  3. Var foo = 10 + ‘20’. When you console.log(foo) then the value will be 1020. The reason it does not add the two numbers and result in 30 is because the one datatype is a number and the other is a string. If they were both numbers then there would be a sum of 30. If they were both strings then the result would be 1020 again because you're concatenating the strings.
  4. A terminal application is a computer program that emulates a video terminal within some other display structure. It is sometimes referred to as a shell.
  5. The ternary operator is another type of conditional (if statement) that takes in 3 operands. They are a condition followed by a question mark ?, an expression to execute if the condition is truthy followed by a colon :, and then an expression to execute if the condition is falsy.
  6. A few ways to make sure that a web design/web application is accessible and user friendly is by using media queries in your CSS files, CSS reset, strict doctypes, and ensuring that the website has cross browser compatibility (safari, chrome, IE, etc).
  7. Some of my favorite features of HTML 5 are multimedia support, semantic header/footer, and 2d and 3d animations, and event listeners. In some of my projects I embedded YouTube videos, made logos that were 3d and rotated, and also added hover events on certain elements (certain elements hidden that when on hover would be exposed).
  8. With CSS I always do a reset and then usually start with the body and html (set margins 0 and height 100%) and then work my way from the elements at the top of the page to the bottom. My media queries are always at the bottom of the CSS file. With JavaScript, I usually use // to comment on different blocks of code so that other developers can understand. I also use the traditional function format and declare variables/special cases first, then use if statements/loops if needed, and finally return the variable. At the bottom outside the curly braces I invoke the function.
  9. The only 2 browsers I use are Firefox and Chrome. I find the other ones (IE, safari, edge, etc) to be less user friendly and not compatible with certain websites. I usually have lots of issues with IE and Safari.

